
Sweet Swaggy Goodness

Yesterday's Southeastern Swag Market was a rip roarin' success, and a whole lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came out! I had a wonderful time, and can't wait until the next one - I'll be there with bells on for sure.

The drive up to Danville and back was really nice - pretty back roads and lovely scenery most of the way. I really wish I'd taken some pictures of downtown Danville - I really loved all the old buildings and homes along the main street. Judging by all the gorgeous 20's and 30's architecture, Danville must've been the place to be back in the day. The photographer from the local paper was out covering the Market, and I wound up having a conversation with him about the North Theater, which was built back in the 40's and recently restored. He said the acoustics in the building are amazing and that it's one of the best places to see a movie. They're showing some great movies in the next little bit, so I might have to get myself back there to check one out.

I've got a mini site update scheduled for this week, so keep an eye out. New lovelies will be coming your way soon!

P.S. There's a nice review of the Southern Swag Market in the Danville paper, and yours truly gets a mention, although apparently my first name has been changed to India. Oops! Go check it out!

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