

Why hello there! It's been a while, hasn't it. I hope this finds you well.

The site overhaul and relaunch I've been planning this summer is going a little more slowly than I'd hoped, due to the fact that I've scrapped my original plans and am considering some new and different directions for ye ol' india*romeo shoppe.

While the online shop is down, I'll be posting updates about its progress here, and will be clearing out some of my older stock in the india*romeo outlet shop at Etsy. Here's a preview of what is available:

I hope you'll stop by and take a look. I'll be adding new products bit by bit to make room in my studio for my new work. Many items are discounted from their original price, and some of these are the last I'll ever make, so if you see something you like, grab it now before it is gone forever!

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